Now more than ever, Fluorescent Works is your one-stop shop for all kinds of upper body apparel. Great selection! Great prices! Please use the, "Add To Quote," button as your online shopping cart to send us your order. We will promptly reply with your grand total, including shipping and sales tax, if delivery is in Colorado. For most items, our standard shipping rates will apply. Please visit this web page to see them: https://www.fluorescentworks.com/agree.html
Some items, such as winter coats, are heavier and cost more to ship. In addition to standard shipping, we also offer expedited shipping on catalog items for an additional charge. Just let us know if you have a due date or deadline for receiving your order. Along with your price quote, we will also send you easy-to-follow payment instructions for placing your order and you'll have a variety of payment options available - Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and PayPal. There's even an option for mailing in a check!
SPECIAL OFFER: GET FREE SHIPPING ON CATALOG ORDERS FOR $50.00 OR MORE IN MERCHANDISE IF YOU, OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW AND TRUST, CAN PICK UP YOUR ORDER AT A FEDERAL EXPRESS LOCATION CLOSE TO YOUR HOME OR WORK LOCATION. In the, "Order Comments," section of the shopping cart, just type in, "Fed Ex Flex." You will be notified by e-mail once your order is ready for pick up. However, you will need to provide us with the name of the person picking up your order, if that person isn't you.
We look forward to doing business with you. Please feel free to visit our main website at https://www.fluorescentworks.com
Contact Info: Ph, # 719-527-0808 Email: [email protected]